Anchoring Ziro Music Festival 2022

Will you believe me if I say that I did anchoring in Ziro Music Festival 2022? Will you believe me if I say I did anchoring the Day (Danyi)stage for almost three consecutive days? Will you still believe all of the above if I post no picture of me doing anchoring the Danyi stage? I wonder will anyone would ever believe me. 
Well it's a shame that I could not gear up my guts to ask a person to capture the moment for me. I might have the guts and smartness enough to pull off a big gig like Ziro Music Festival, but trust me I easily shy away when I have to ask someone to take photograph of me, I can never do that, and that's the reason I have no photographs of me doing anchoring the Danyi stage of Ziro Music Festival. 
The below photograph witness the first day of the Danyi stage of ZFM, and trust me it's the only photo which I have; of me doing anchoring. 
Please don't judge me for what I'm wearing in that photo, because I just attended the first day thinking that, all I have to do is observing how the other anchor does his job, and how I'm supposed to do the same in the next day; my plan was to do anchoring in any of the days except the first day, but it seems life had its own plan. Nevertheless everything went smooth, got some compliments from strangers which boosted my confidence and everything went better on the subsequent gigs. 

Ladies and gentlemen, here is my confession, I always wanted to attend ZFM, but made a deal with myself that I would never purchase ticket with my money to enter ZFM, and if I am really entering ZFM, then it has to be by means of work related or any project; where I would be getting free entry. And here I am today getting free entry for the entire days of ZFM without paying a penny for it. Moreover anchoring ZFM was always in my bucket list too.

Let me also tell you one thing, my family is always strict especially when it comes to going out in the night, I am the Cinderella among my friends. And me getting permission to enter ZFM, is like me getting permission to get a tattoo, which is next to impossible; If I get a tattoo, then my parents will disown me within second without having any second thought. Then how I got the green signal? Well it's a miracle I guess. When I got the opportunity to do the anchoring, I was not even in Ziro, my classes were going on and I was occupied till 28 of September, So I had to travel to Ziro on 29 itself(the first day of ZFM) early in the morning. But before travelling or grasping the opportunity, I sincerely presented my zeal for anchoring in ZFM  to my family and convinced  hard that I will be a good child and do nothing bad in ZFM. And that's how I got the next to impossible permission. 
P.S I never thought I would be getting the opportunity to anchor ZFM or even get the permission to enter ZFM. Well you gotta wait for the right time I guess.
Below are some of the moments which I will always cherish. 
"Good food, good people, good music "
You still here? Thankyou so much scrolling this far, I really appreciate it. Peace be with you. 


  1. Wish I had the chance to witness 🥲

    1. Well you have already advocated me many a times ✨🌻

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. you are doing a great job
    keep blogging

    1. Thankyou so much, I really appreciate it.😊🌻


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