
Showing posts from November, 2022

ADULTHOOD: the phase of Solar Eclipse

  Like a pendulum, the mind keeps going back and forth; Over thinking is what to be blamed. Like a fan which keeps rotating not going back or forth; Over thinking leads to nowhere, but always leads to the same old road. Is it just the phase of solar eclipse, making the moon over think?   Productive preaching in the social media, Yet one invests time with no further practicing. Selective exposure of knowledge, Yet one denies honing and keeping on sleeping.   Expectation of the moon to become a wolf is kept on gambling. Tears of anxiousness and a little kiss of depression,   Might push this moon in the black hole.

Welcome to My Brain

Well umm.... I don't know what I'm about to write or how this particular blog will end up, because I don't know what I'm writing or a definite topic on which I want to write or talk about. Just now I watched an interview of two amazing music artists interviewing and sharing their minds with each other. And the last message in that video was simply ' don't say never to anything, don't stop, keep moving and try different stuff and see were you will end up, because that is interesting. Actually I don't even think anyone was or is interested in reading my blogs, but I'm writing blogs to just let some of my works or thoughts to be out there in the public domain or u know, just out there. I'm just trying to map my footprints and see how my life picture would look like in the future where I would be just sitting in a chair or may be in a field looking at the picture or map of life; pondering about my life journey. Because when you are old; our physical ...