2nd Welcome To My Brain

What is the exact definition of fine? Or what do we actually mean, when we say fine or everything is fine? One of the supercentenarians, Jeanne Calment, the oldest person of verified age in history, who died at age 122 said “I see badly, I hear badly, and I feel bad, but everything is fine”. I mean, if she could see badly, hear badly, and feel bad, then how everything can be fine or was fine for her? Well I guess everyone has their own definition and concept for the word ‘fine’ since everyone is not the same; different people, different culture, lifestyle, different approaches to react and tackle problems and also different way of seeing life. Sometimes I wonder, do the definition, given in a dictionary for a word could explicitly define the meaning of the word? Now if I ask you, are you fine? You may say, I am fine or no I am not fine. Honestly, all I can assume or take in to your answer is that you may actually be fine; everything is doing okay and working wel...