
We human beings, especially teenagers and adults tend to think and believe that_ our body and life is all ours, we have the absolute right to do whatever with it, and live our life as we like. But, how forgetful, stupid, ungrateful, unaware, pity, and hypocrite of us it is, to think this way.

Forgetful are us, 
Who forgets the fact that we have been taken care of since the moment, our parents realized that they have a life to take care of.

Stupid are us,
 Who think that they are naturally bound to take care of us, and not because of their cause of love; that they take care of us.

Ungrateful are us,
Who see, and still never acknowledge their time, energy, and money which they spend on us and for us.

Unaware are us, 
Who do not realize that our body and life is a part and sacrifice of their life.

Pity is us, 
Who think that they owe us their everything, and we owe them nothing; thinking that it is them who choose to gave birth and not us who choose to be born.

Hypocrites are us, 
Who want acknowledgement and love, when we give out something from us, but fail to acknowledge their uncountable small and big sacrifices done for us; Just because of the belief that they owe us their everything.

Our parents could have lived their life in a better and more comfortable manner, if they had decided to spend less time, energy and effort on us. We are nothing but a reaction/result of their sincere sacrifices, yet we say it is my body, my life.

How forgetful, stupid, ungrateful, unaware, pity, and hypocrites of us it is, to think this way.


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